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Summer Detox

Your body already does an excellent job of eliminating problematic chemicals because it’s an optimized detoxing system in itself but there are ways to help your kidneys, liver and lungs to achieve this task more quickly.

Easy Buckwheat Pancakes

Buckwheat is not a grain but a seed. It is gluten free and a very good form of fibre and has a a low-to-medium glycaemic index. This means it may even lower blood sugar levels as well as being great for your gut .

Try Matcha Tea for Energy

When  it comes to getting a quick energy boost, most people’s first thought is  a quick snack or  a cup of coffee. Yet there is another beverage with a long tradition of being used for energy in the Orient. That drink is matcha green tea.

Actively Aging Healthily

staying active as you age can lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer. Plus it will boost your self-esteem, improve your sleep, and give you more energy. There are also supplements to help.