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Summer Skin Care Naturally!

summer skincare

Whether you are heading overseas or holidaying close to home, it’s really important that you take care of your skin. Use a good quality mineral sunscreen. Mineral sunscreens sit on the surface of the skin and reflect the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, whilst chemical sunscreens sink into the skin and act more like a sponge. Using mineral sun screens reduces our exposure to chemical ingredients. They are also ideal for children and people with sensitive skin. We have several mineral sunscreens in New Leaf from 15 spf up to 50 spf.

Doctor Mahers skin care products are another great choice for anyone wishing to reduce the number of chemicals that they are putting on their skin. Made in Kerry using a carefully guarded secret technique, there are probably no better natural skin care products on the market. They are fragrance free and contain a huge number of beneficial ingredients. They suit all skin types and can help conditions like acne, rosacea and psoriasis.

Drink plenty of water and pay attention to your diet. Omega oils are really important for healthy skin as well as benefiting brain and heart health. If you don’t eat two portions of oily fish each week you may benefit from taking a supplement. Pharmanord’s Omega 7 is a great vegan supplement for the skin, it is made from sea buckthorn oil and contains Omegas 3, 7, 6 & 9, plus natural vitamin E

Collage supplements have been found to improve skin hydration and elasticity, they can also be beneficial to the hair and nails. Somega Collagen Plus is a great choice as it contains hydrolysed collagen, skin essential vitamins and minerals, hyaluronic acid and botanical extracts, including from the juice of delicious blood red oranges grown in Italy and clinically proven to help reduce the harmful effects of sunlight and support healthy skin aging.

Antioxidants like beta carotene and astaxanthin can also have positive effects on skin health. Carotenoids can help protect the skin against the effects of UV rays and improve skin elasticity, wrinkles, dry skin, age spots and also support eye health.