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Woodview Counselling Cork

Deirdre Fallon

Deirdre practices Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy, specialising in Chronic Pain.

Deirdre Fallon

Integrative therapy means that I can adapt the way in which I work to suit you and your needs at the time.  I offer therapy sessions for a wide range of difficulties.

Every person is unique and my approach is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your circumstances and tailor therapy to your individual needs. I work with clients to create a warm, inviting, and non-judgemental environment where clients can feel safe to explore and become aware of themes in their lives that may be repeated and limiting.

My work is influenced by a belief that with increased awareness, we have the capacity to resolve difficulties, enhance our wellbeing, become more resilient, and thereby experience fulfilling relationships.

Issues I work with

  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Addiction 
  • Grief & Loss
  • Schema Therapy
  • Inner child work
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Behaviour problems
  • Bullying
  • Trauma
  • Cancer
  • Long term illness

As a general nurse for nearly 20 years, I have a good understanding of other medical conditions, and I feel that the combination of my nursing background, and my psychotherapy training has put me in the perfect position to help clients work through their chronic pain. 

There are several therapies that I like to use and are very effective in treating chronic pain. These therapies can address the emotional, psychological, and even physical dimensions of pain in a holistic way. 

Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP)

IBP combines psychotherapy with body awareness techniques. It emphasizes that emotions and physical sensations are interrelated, and by helping clients reconnect with their bodies and release physical tension, they can address underlying emotional issues that may be contributing to chronic pain.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Chronic pain can sometimes have deep emotional or unconscious roots. Psychodynamic therapy explores past experiences, unresolved conflicts, and repressed emotions that may be contributing to the experience of pain. This type of therapy can help clients gain insight into the emotional sources of their pain, facilitating deeper emotional healing.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP involves understanding how clients’ thoughts and language influence their experience of pain. By changing the way clients think and speak about their pain, NLP can help them reframe their experience and develop a more empowered relationship with their symptoms

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy focuses on helping clients become aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment. By exploring how they experience pain physically and emotionally, clients can identify unresolved emotions or conflicts that may be intensifying their pain. This therapy encourages clients to take ownership of their pain and find ways to manage it holistically.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is based on mindfulness and acceptance strategies, focusing on helping individuals live in alignment with their values, even in the presence of chronic pain. Rather than trying to eliminate pain, ACT encourages clients to accept their pain and shift their focus toward leading a meaningful life. This can reduce the struggle against pain, which often exacerbates suffering.

Issues I work with

  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Addiction 
  • Grief & Loss
  • Schema Therapy (inner child work)
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Behaviour problems
  • Bullying
  • Trauma
  • Cancer
  • Long term illness

I work both online, and in New Leaf Health & Wellness in Kanturk. Give me a ring, or email me, if you would like to know more. 

Deirdre Fallon 
Masters Degree in Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy
Bsc (Hons) in General Nursing

[email protected]