Winifred Downey, Physical Therapist and Holistic Practitioner
Tel. 087 9344272
Sólás Therapy Centre operates from New Leaf Health and Wellness Centre in Kanturk. The centre is run by Winifred Downey who has a vast experience in Physical Therapies and Holistic work. All Therapies are carried out in a Holistic manner which treats the wholeness of each person. The wellbeing of the person is cared for physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Regular therapies are a means to long term wellbeing physically and emotionally. As each person is uniquely different so are their needs therefore there is a variety of therapies available at Sólás Therapy Centre. The following Therapies are available.
* Physical Therapy
* Deep Tissue Massage
* Therapeutic Massage
* Indian Head Massage
* Reflexology
* Pregnancy Massage
* Baby Massage
* Aromatherapy
* Energetic Healing
* Hopi Ear Candling
‘Listen to your Body’ Pain is the body’s way of letting you know it needs attention. By acknowledging it you can reduce the chance of injury and improve your health and wellbeing.
I treat a wide number of conditions. The following are some examples of the work I do:-
• Joint & Muscle Pain of the Head, Neck, shoulders, Back, Hips, Legs, knees, Ankles and Feet
• Sports injuries and scar tissue
• Pre & Post Sports Massage
• Relaxation and Stress relief. Restoration of sleep cycle.
• Sinusitis
• Heart and Circulation conditions
• Improving Lymphatic and Immune System function
• Age Joint Mobility. Improving the range of movement and muscle function
• Increasing Muscle Tone to maintain healthy muscles, Ligaments, tendons and joints
• Maintainanance of Good Health.
‘Prevention is better than Cure’ A very wise old saying and as true today as it ever was. Therapies are as effective in maintaining good health and preventing illness as they are for relieving stress, injury and illness. For example, Massage will relax tension in the muscles of your body and therefore reduce the amount of stress placed on them. This will reduce the chance of injury. It also improves our mental state by reducing stress and anxiety. As a result it can reduce your blood pressure and decrease your chance of developing a High or Low blood pressure condition. Acknowleding your bodies needs and regular maintainanance is the key to Prevention.
To Arrange an Appointment Call Winifred on 087 9344272